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PeruAgroclimatic Bulletin of Peru (Boletín Agroclimático del Peru)National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Peru (SENAMHI) Current Monthly Agroclimatic Bulletin SENAMHI (the Spanish acronym of Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología) produces a monthly agrometeorological bulletin that provides information on rainfall, temperature, agrometeorological indices, crop phenology, crop status, and agrometeorological tendencies. The Agrometeorological web page of SENAMHI also provides links to a decadal bulletin, monitoring information on phenology, diseases and pests, and agrometeorological forecasting for the Valley of Mantaro every 10 days. Previous PDF bulletins also include information on ocean-atmosphere conditions, hydrology, and environmental (pollution) conditions. Archive of Monthly Agroclimatic Bulletins (Spanish only)
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